Friday, October 31, 2008

On Halloween and Evil Things

Today is Halloween...whoop-de-do. My family never and I mean never-ever celebrated Halloween. To be frank, I think this year was the first year my Mom even handed out candy to trick-or-treaters (and that was three pieces to our backyard neighbor's grandkids). Even when the church held functions to "light the night", we never attended. I never trick-or-treated, never dressed up, never carved a pumpkin, none of it.

I work at a residential home, as I stated in my last post, and when I revealed this information to my coworkers I was met with utter shock. My one friend, just looked at me, mouth agape and slowly processed what I had just said when I told her, "I never celebrated Halloween. I never wanted to". And it is true, I have never been interested or intruiged by the whole matter. It is a holiday that is meant to scare and who likes being scared? Not me!

Today was a monumental day in the insignificant life of me: I actually dressed up for Halloween. Well, sort of. Me and my fellow workers dressed up as bums; we walked into work laden with funky pajama bottoms, t-shirts and pony-tails. Any excuse to wear pajamas to work is good for me. I also went to a Halloween party! (I am feeling like a heathen). The residents were encouraged to dress up and play some fun, festive games. I must admit, I did enjoy dressing up one of our darling residents, Miss Rice, as a scary business man (I wish I had picutres).

Participating in this frightening holiday really did not make my life feel more full than it was before. I still do not like Halloween, I would rather not dress up and stuffing myself with tons and tons of candy just does not sound healthy. Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, I hope you have a scarily, fun night :)


Bethany Streng said...

dressing up is fun! i wish you had pictures of miss rice:-)

Becca Joy said...

i get those looks too. i've told bunches of people this week that i have no costume, no plans, and that i really could care less about holloween. i get blank stares that basically say "who ARE you?!" but hey, it makes us different. i like different.

BlackpoolLights said...

I misses you.
